Food Order Menu

You’ve seen the Menu - Let’s get your #lakeLife food on!

We make it simple – it’s a flat $55 delivery fee per order, the menu prices are the price per order or per person… simple as that.

Pick what you want. We’ll follow up via email to confirm you order, adjust quantities based on your feedback, and make sure the order is right.

Your trusted PML team member will deliver it, IN HOME, so your food is in the fridge/freezer and ready for you when you are!

Welcome to the good life at the lake, PML style.

Place Your Food Order


  • Order deadline is TUESDAY 5:00pm for FRIDAY OR SATURDAY IN HOME delivery.

You will receive an email confirmation of your order – with any clarifying questions.

Requests for food delivered outside of Friday or Saturday – please order a week in advance and we will schedule on a first come-first serve basis and we cannot guarantee fulfillment.

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